Links that Made Me Laugh

I’ve read a bunch of funny links lately (there’s the benefit of traveling a bunch and having 3 minutes snatches to read in the car. How did I ever survive without my phone?
Oh, wait, I remember. I read books.
Anyhow, these posts had me laughing:
We Got Crappy Chickens   This one is especially apt for us right now since we’re pretty sure we have 7 hens and a rooster.
Here are Sarah Kaye and Phil Kay (both masters of Spoken Word Poetry) with An Origin Story. It’s almost seven minutes, but totally worth it.  (This one is in the both-laugh-and-cry category: just a warning.)
Gluten Free Duck  This one is shorter but so funny I almost peed my pants. If you don’t know what gluten-free is, please crawl out from the rock you’re living under and look it up.
And, Jonah’s favorite: the 2014 Ignoble Awards winners. My favorite is the psychology prize, which went to the team that showed that “people who habitually stay up late are, on average, more self-admiring, more manipulative, and more psychopathic than people who habitually arise early in the morning.”
Or, the 2010 Chemistry Prize, awarded to a bunch of scientists and BP, for showing that oil and water do mix.

Here’s my obligatory photo so that fb won’t show a giant photo of my head with this post.  I snapped this photo in Retalhuleu when our bus made a pit stop.

For six hours (until I had wifi again) we puzzled over what “pecharas para perros” could possibly be.  Dog vests? Seriously?

Pechera Piel Ajustable Bull Grande Para Perro Silverado

One thought on “Links that Made Me Laugh

  1. Pingback: Not the Post I was Planning, so Grateful | Learning As We Go

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