Twitterature: April 2014

April was a good month for reading. A bad month for housework. Or cooking. But good for reading. Here are a few short reviews of what I’ve been reading:

Dept. of Speculation (Jenny Offill)
The story of a woman, a man, a colicky baby, and a marriage. This book was funny enough that Sam and I took turns reading each other quotes. Funny and tragic. I still wish I could be an art monster.

Promised (Caragh O’Brien)
This conclusion to the Birthmarked Trilogy left me a little flat- it didn’t capture me the way the first two did.

The Rosie Project (Graeme Simsion)
I howled (in a good way, not a pass-me-the-Kleenex or a creepy werewolf way) all the way through it. I wrote a slightly longer review here.

D.A. (Connie Willis and J.K. Potter)
This novella about a high school senior who doesn’t want to become an astronaut cracked me up. Wish it had been longer.

Uncharted Territory (Connie Willis)
An older Connie Willis Sci Fi love story did what Willis does best: took my assumptions and used them against me. Loved it.

The Merchant of Venice (William Shakespeare)
What a weird play. I still can’t figure out exactly WHY Antonio was so sad in the beginning. And why was Shakespeare so into cross dressing?

What are you reading?

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