{phfr}: gray

Pretty: This is our peach tree.  It didn’t like the frost that morning, but it sure was pretty against the snow.  Some new blooms have come out post-snow, so there’s a chance we may have peaches this year.
Happy: Sand in the sandbox!  Our yard is coming together.  The girls could hardly wait to get out into the sand– it was still pretty cold when they headed out this morning.

A second happy (is that cheating?)– I cut off all my hair. Since all my gray is by my hairline, I guess I am proportionately more gray than I was before…

Funny: With all the snow we had Thursday, the ground was really, really muddy when our friends brought our table.  Can you see how deep my boots sank in the mud?  I was actually stuck– Sam had to come from the patio to balance the table while I pulled my feet out of the mud.
Real:  Last week Sam was down with his back.   (Maybe that’s a part of going gray?)  Anyway, the kids were so excited that he was home they totally mobbed him all day.
For more {p,h,f,r}, go check out Like Mother, Like Daughter!

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