Short Reviews

Inspired by Modern Mrs. Darcy’s Twitterature, I’m sharing a few brief “reviews” of what’s been on my reading list lately.

twitterature monthly reading linkup short reviews

A Song in the Night by Bob Massie

A memoir by a great thinker and Christian activist. I can’t read much at a time, because it makes me think hard about my own choices and assumptions.

Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith by Kara Powell and Chap Clark

The idea in this book is that we need to teach children to live faith as a day-to-day walk over real terrain. We do this by being real with them about our own faith.

The Innocence of Father Brown by G.K. Chesterton

These short stories are psychological mysteries. Each one is a nugget of truth, disguised as a piece of candy. Delicious.

Striding Folly by Dorothy Sayers

I just can’t get enough of Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane.  I wish the stories were longer, but I enjoyed every minute.

Clutterfree with Kids by Joshua Becker

This book- more manifesto than how-to- is an inspiration to reduce the STUFF that gets in the way of what is important in life: relationships, character, love and creativity.

Dawn’s Early Light by Elswyth Thane

An old favorite of mine, Thane’s account of the Revolution makes the people and time come alive for me.

What’s on your bedside table right now?

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