Black Bean-Avocado-Pepper-Mango Salad

I think I mentioned I’m in a food rut.  So with great effort, I’ve been dragging out our favorite recipes and making them.  This one has been a favorite for a long time.  I make it in the winter when mangoes and avocadoes come ripe from… somewhere.  It doesn’t fit with my local food preference, but right now about the only thing growing locally is mushrooms.

Black Bean-Avocado-Red Pepper-Mango Salad

Chop and combine: 2 ripe avocadoes, two 15 oz cans (rinsed and drained) black beans, 1 red pepper, 1/2 red onion, 2 mangoes, and one 14 oz can corn, drained.

Combine and blend well: the juice of 2 limes, 1/4 cup olive oil, and 1 clove garlic, crushed.

Pour dressing the salad and enjoy.  (It’s best cold.)

What’s for dinner at your house?

6 thoughts on “Black Bean-Avocado-Pepper-Mango Salad

  1. That looks good!

    Dinner at my house is from the freezer tonight (unstuffed cabbage rolls). But we just picked up our CSA basket, and that means that I'm apparently finding a recipe for kohlrabi within the next few days. It's a leafy veggie that looks a bit like a UFO. Should be interesting!



  2. Tonight was clam chowder (from canned clams)
    tomorrow is Sichuan noodles (Cooks illustrated recipe)
    Friday is chili
    Saturday is Chuhaschoria (Brazilian barbeque) with my cousins in Chambridge for Mom and K's birthdays – K will be 2 and Mom will be 62.


  3. Thank you for your February musings on the winter doldrums and how to tackle them. I loved the quotes on education, and the reminder to get outdoors. Good stuff…. and very timely as we have been questioning our educational situation for my boys. Thank you.

    Tonight, we had cheesy catfish (when in Tennessee, eat what is abundant here, which is catfish), homemade cornbread muffins and sauteed spinach and garlic. And my elderly neighbor's to die for Valentine's sugar cookies that are so lovely they seem works of art instead of dessert. Simple, but it felt like we were somehow on our way to spring or summer.



  4. I love that salad. Note to self: pick up mangoes and limes at the store next week…

    We're having protein at our house. Lots of protein. And not just for dinner! Dang GDM – I could really go for a slacker day to just eat chips and cookies. 🙂


  5. K ate all of her beans and corn, then all of her mango, and most of mine!

    The guys asked me to make it again, I'm going to bring it to a potluck at church next week. It's so colorful and yummy.

    I did add a little cumin and mild chili powder, it cut into the pretty colors just a little, but I love cumin.

    Thanks for the recipe!


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